DG Smile


48 Whitesands Dumfries DG1 2RS

opening times

9am - 1.00 pm 2.00pm - 5pm


0138726 7070

All patients are accepted in DG Smile

Private patients

Walk in patients are seen in a Private basis and pay a full private fee for examinations and treatments

For patients who are regular attendees and wish to be registered with us on a private basis we have two private plans available Denplan and DGDG plan.
These plans include at least two examinations and scale and polish appointments per year and  consultation appointments.
Futhermore they benefit  a 10 % to 20% discound depending on treatment needs
We recomend these plans for patients who want to benefit from short notice or same day appointments, extensive time and care and are looking for more than covering their basic oral hygiene needs and  prefer superior aesthetic treatments, techniques and materials and wish to take advantage of  discounded prices.
Further more they benefit from extensive working hours
We are not taking new NHS patients at this time.
Patients that wish a healthy  oral hygiene and are happy with effective treatment options with good quality materials are recomend registering under the NHS.
NHS patients benefit up to two free examinations per year and NHS prices
NHS patients up to 26 years old and patients on certain benefits are entitled to free treatment.
Do not hesitate to discuss with our team any questions about different types of registration and any additional information

For all patients payment plans are available and 0% finance can be arranged for treatments exceeding £1000